Vision Your Voice

Vision Your Voice

How can your voice and your future vision be heard?

Make a photo of anything that you would like to draw our attention to with regards to your everyday life and how you see the futures in your town. The quality of the photo is not important, it may be taken by any phone or camera or any other device as long as the original picture is sent in.

We also need your story.

With the picture(s) please send us a couple of sentences that explain the photo(s). We don’t need your real name (we are protecting your privacy!). What we need is:

What do we need to know about you? How long have you been living in the area? How old are you?
Where and when was it taken?
What does the photo (or photos) represent? What is the story behind you’d like to tell? (you may take the space to write, there is space!)
What kind of future is it?
Vision Your Voice Submission Form
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I am over 18 years old*